
Saturday 4 October 2014

Asunto: Situación del Acuífero Aguas 060.008 English


Tfno. 615291434



Honorable Sir,


The undersigned, José Rivera Menendez, of age, with DNI No 00649800G, domiciled for the purposes of notification under Post Box 540 of Almería post code (04080), on
behalf of the undersigned and GRUPO ECOLOGISTA MEDITERRANEO, with due respect describe the following situation:


In a letter to the “Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio”, dated June 25, we expressed our concern about the decrease in the flow of Manantial de Los Molinos del Rio Aguas, which has suffered a decline of 40 L / s 15 L / s. Our data, using the “testamonial” spring informs us that the spring is insufficient to maintain the ecosystem of El Rio Aguas and the values of the Paraje Natural del Karst en Yesos de Sorbas.

The spring is fed from the the Upper Aquifer Waters (060,008). The underground waters flow with a large intertia, through gypsum and detrital material and after decades of travel, the waters upwell in El Rio De Aguas.

The exploitation of the aquifer and, the consequent decline in groundwater levels, has created such a cone of depression that if the current exploitation is immediately stopped the spring will still take decades to recover. In recent years no actions have been taken to alleviate the problem of over-exploitation, in fact the problem has been agravated by the introduction of new crops and changes of land use. Irrigated land use has been introduced, especially for irrigated olive plantations. We assume that these changes have the appropriate permissions from the Consejería de Agricultura de la Junta de Andalucía.

According to data from the Hydrogeological Plan of the Andalusian Mediterranean Basin at the time it was written, a mere 221 olive trees were irrigated in the area. In 2012, according to data from the Institute of Statistics of Andalusia, between the towns of Sorbas, Tabernas, Lucainena, Tahal and Uleila, the area of ​​irrigated olive trees was 3,679 hectares. This area continues to grow and currently affects large areas with super intensive cultivation systems which are irrigated with water from the aquifer. Based on 2008 data, and the Plan, it was shown that the aquifer was over-exploited, so the current exploitation rate must be much greater than reflected in the Plan.

In annex 3 of The Hydrlogical Plan of the Basin, created for the Junta de Andalucia, it is stated:

Not included in the preliminary list of MIMAM, hydrogeological unit 06.08 Alto Aguas, which was listed in the SRPHCS as overexploited it was estimated that withdrawals exceeded in 2000 were more than 20% average total resources evaluated by the IGME. Increased pumping for irrigation in recent years has led to a situation of absolute unsustainability, bringing the exploitation rate of 3.3, which means withdrawals exceed 230% media resources. This body of water, along with the mass of subterranean water 060,034 of Fuente de Piedra, are now, in actaulity, cases of the most unsustainable withdrawals in the entire demarcation. "

Although not available, there is an important continuity to be seen in the new “water table” that has been created. The numbers in the control network of IGME, confirm this diagnosis because since 1995 (in the final phase of drought) until the summer of 2001 the “water table”, fell by more than 8 meters, with an annual decrease of almost 1.5 meters. This decline has accelerated to 3.3 m / year since 1998.

Sobreexplotación de acuíferos, intrusión marina y otros procesos de salinización.
Insostenibilidad hídrica del modelo de desarrollo Territorial.
Insuficiente aprovechamiento de recursos no convencionales.
Existencia de aprovechamientos irregulares.
Insuficiente control de las extracciones.
Pérdidas en las redes de saneamiento.
Fuentes puntuales de contaminación en masas de agua continentales.
Mala ubicación de vertedero de residuos sólidos urbanos.

We consider that permits should not have been granted for an aquifer in such a bad quantive status. See the “Directiva Marco de Agua y el Plan Hidrológico de la Cuenca Mediterránea Andaluza”.

This institution is required to take measures to impede actions that continue to aggravate the problem, and not to postpone the attainment of good status until 2027.

In the actual situation and with the continuation of the present rate of extraction used for the existing cultivations, and plus extraction to be used for new cultivations that are planned for the immediate future, a partial reduction of 1042 in the index of exploitation planned for 2015, will be impossible to comply with. The continuing actual situation makes it impossible to achieve the good status of the aquifer by 2027

  1. that the law protecting us Access to Environmental Information 27/2006 provides that access to environmental information is a basic right that can be exercised by any citizen or association with a legitimate interest in the environment.
  2. WE ASK for the information concerning the management and status of elements of the mass of water, Aquifero Del Aguas, in its sector of the Alto Aguas (Sorbas, Tabernas) and actions carried out in its entirety (wells, springs surveys) and their qualitative and quantitative mass treatment of water, as the object of this administrative act to supply information of environmental interest.
  3. Law 19/2013, of December 9 provides that it shall provide the information published with the limitations established in the environment. In this case rights are still covered by a special law of right of access to environmental information as a serial Law 27/2006.


1.- That you provide us with the following information:

  • The most recent data held by the Ministry of Network and Control of the Aquifer
  • The amount of surface land supplied by water from this aquifer, that has transformed into irrigated land since 2011
  • The information concerning the management and status of elements of the mass of water, Acuifero del Aguas, in its sector of the Alto Aguas (Sorbas, Tabernas) and actions carried out in its entirety (wells, springs surveys) and the, treatment, quality and quantity of water of this mass of water.

2.-That the following urgent measures are taken to prevent further damage to the aquifer:

    1 Urgently complete a hydrogeological study that will permit us to have an understanding of the actual state of the aquifer in relation to the Paraje Natural del Karst de Sorbas, the Spring of Los Molinos, the supply to areas of population, and the quality of water, especially in relation to natural radioactivity.
    Urgently complete a hydrogeological study that will permit us to have an understanding of the actual state of the aquifer in relation to the Paraje Natural del Karst de Sorbas, the Spring of Los Molinos, the supply to areas of population, and the quality of water, especially in relation to natural radioactivity.

  1. Stop any new transformations of land into irrigated land until the aquifer has returned to good condition or there are accesses to alternative water sources

  2. Immediately initiate controls on existing wells, both in terms of volume, depth and water quality, especially in relation to possible radioactivity of the same.
  3. Immediately close and seal illegal extractions of water (bore holes) or illegal concessions.
  4. Promote alternative projects to meet water demand in the area, both agricultural and urban, and within a realistic project to recover lost resources and balance in the aquifer and in the environment.
  5. The Water Framework Directive indicates that the costs of water use should be assumed by the user, in this case through the regional administration responsible for managing on water, development, use and management of it so I should not have to deal with the budget problems serious problem described here.

        In Almeria, July 10, 2014             
      I fdo. Rivera José Menéndez

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